An outside review says that allegations of excessive force and racially-biased policing weren’t pursued.
A joint operation by local and federal officals arrested 35 “drug dealing conspirators” on June 6.
All 450 deputies are slated carry the heroin overdose antidote by mid-summer.
Oversight director says staff still can’t get information it needs to fully vet law enforcement.
County Councilmember Joe McDermott says better training is a first step toward fixing the police.
The family says the results show a pattern of deception around what led to Le’s death.
Richard Rowe, 53, is a county Detective assigned to the Woodinville Police Department.
A county detective is on leave after sticking a gun in a driver’s face without identifying himself.
“There is no pain like losing a son. There is no pain like losing a piece of my heart.”
For decades, protest ‘just wasn’t done.’ But that may be changing.
Are the lawsuits against the sheriff red flags, or sour grapes?