Wind’s satirical targets aren’t quite fat enough.
Also: Seattle Concert for Kerry/Edwards, Robert Irwin, Harvest Celebration Farm Tour, and Graham Greene.
“Microsoft’s products are conceived . . . as weapons to be used against competitors rather than effective tools for customers.”
Adam Langer and David Brock.
Dec. 8, 187 B.C. Syrian/Greek invader despot Antiochus IV butchers a pig on an altar to Zeus in the Temple….
Disgusted with wussy M’s fans, a former New Yorker issues a challenge.
Helping ease hunger is a year-round pursuit
WedLive MusicCentral Saloon Dangermart, Stuntdoubler, Prized Belly of the King $5Chop Suey The Malinks, Sleepy Workers, the Oswald Effect, Double…
Email your music listings at least eight days in advance of publication to: Fax: 206-467-4377. Please, no phone calls….
Today’s Legislature may be cleaner, but it’s gutless.
Will the latest space battle at the Pike Place Market lead to all-out war?
How could the city go wrong picking an architect whose name sounds like “cool house”? But I’m still amazed that,…
Send listings two weeks in advance to B-17G Flying Fortress Fly-In As a prelude to the much-anticipated opening of…
Why is Ron Sims presenting a spending increase as a tragic spending decrease?
SW’s misery index for the formerly affluent Seattleite.
Mapping the history of the Pacific Northwest—and other visual offerings.
Stay in touch! Be accessible! Keep in touch over the holidays—it’s now all the more possible.
It’s not quite like you remember it!