While trotting out its new computerized data-analysis system last week, the Seattle

While trotting out its new computerized data-analysis system last week, the Seattle Police Department revealed that crime is up 13 
percent this year over the same period in 2013. Internet outrage ensued. “More People, More Increase. Even fools should understand this.” —Drew Bean, via Facebook

“How’s all that ‘progressive’ politics working out for ya, Seattle? Maybe you should just try being more tolerant and understanding of the criminals taking over your fair city.” —Michael Alan Larsen, via Facebook

“I think the assholes are the liberals who voted for Ed Murray and think the way to solve crime is to put more cops on the streets instead of providing more social services, housing, drug treatment, and education. Y’all are fucking progressive UNTIL it matters.” —Lonaldo Lopezington, via Facebook