When the zoo sends you up shit creek, at least they provide the paddleSummer ain’t over yet, but it’s close, as evidences by the shorter days and by the Woodland Park Zoo’s announcement of its annual Fecal Fest lottery (via PhinneyWood). From September 11th to September 25th, you’ll be able to enter the raffle to take home some of the brown stuff. Demand could be particularly high, given that spring’s poo was tainted–tainted!–by an herbicide. When that happened, Dan Corum (a.k.a. Dr. Doo), promised a pure pile this time around: “Gardeners can be assured that they will get the quality they expect from Zoo Doo when it’s available again this fall.”To enter the lottery, send a postcard with your name and contact info to: Fecal Fest, WPZ, 601 N. 59th Street, Seattle, WA 98103. Should you win the raffle, you’ll have the right to purchase a garbage can’s ($8-10) or truck bed’s ($35-60) worth of the stuff. (You’ll have to load it yourself, but the zoo will provide the shovels.) Wise gardeners will have set aside the money already, but delivery doesn’t occur until October 9-25, so you’ve got time. And anytime’s a good time to start budgeting for poo.