Washington State Ferries have finally admitted that there wasn’t much meat on the bone they picked with us last week. As you’ll recall, WSF pulled the Weekly from its racks because our cover–featuring a drawing of Senator Patty Murray in a dress made of pork–was deemed “distasteful” and “denigrating to women.” Now the Seattle Times
reports that the Washington Department of Transportation thinks WSF’s knee-jerk censorship was wrong. It’s just too bad they can’t get their apologies right.According to the Times, WSDOT and WSF claim they only banned the issue from two boats. But the Weekly’s very own circulation guru says that’s not true: the issue was pulled off of every route where we rent a stand, which is about 10 boats in all.We’ll put a call in to WSF as soon as the world wakes up. In the meantime, we’ll just be sitting here counting the $175 refund we got to make up for the “misunderstanding.” Can you say all-you-can-eat at Sizzler?