To all the news organizations keeping count on how many days Seattle

To all the news organizations keeping count on how many days Seattle has gone without precipitation, knock it the hell off. First of all, the fact that we’ve had four weeks of sunny and overcast weather does not count as news. Second, enjoy the damn weather while it’s here. You’ll never know when Seattle will get socked with two months straight of drizzle and downpour.Kind of like what happened last summer when the sun didn’t come out until August.I don’t know about other areas of the country but Seattleites are obsessed over the weather. It’s worse than a bunch of old Georgia cotton farmers sipping lemonade on their front porches. This is particularly amusing since the Pacific Northwest is so temperate. What other place can you visit where the nuance of a five or ten degree change in the thermoter can elicit so much chatter.You know, 70 degrees is just too hot. I like it better when it’s 65. But 60 degrees is just too chilly.