Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)
Allow yourself to fall in love with humanity. Make our flaws and foibles as likely to elicit giddy stomach butterflies as our more noble virtues. It should be easy for you because compassion is second nature to you Fish. Sanguine acceptance of all that we are, as a race, is going to help you through the iffy situations you’re likely to encounter this week. People can’t help their many imperfections, and these will all be on unignorable display this week. Forgive people their defects. It’s the key to staying sane and, if not giddily happy, then at least not miserable.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
Your first reaction when stung by a bee will probably be to hunt down the insect and kill it, even if you know it’ll likely die soon anyway, on its own. (Many kinds of bees lose their stingers when they use them, and perish.) I don’t blame you, and I certainly understand the impulse, but I beg you to control it, nevertheless. Expending your energies on needless vengeance would be such a poor choice, considering everything you’ve got on your plate at the moment. How fast can you forgive and forget, actually? This week, find out.
Taurus (April 20–May 20)
This week is like that freak snowstorm that hits long after you thought winter was over. Suddenly you’re snowed in, and all your winter clothes are already packed away in boxes. OK, so you find yourself unprepared and a little overwhelmed. The good news is, what you have to do is about as clear as it could be, albeit a huge hassle. There’s nothing for it but to get right to work. It is what it is. There’s no lesson to be learned here except that the best-laid plans often go awry. You can’t consistently predict the future, so you might as well be flexible and deal with what happens, rather than what ought to happen. Stop bitching and get on with it.
Gemini (May 21–June 20)
When in doubt this week, go old school. You Twins pride yourselves on being forward-thinking, but there are certain situations that your great-grandparents could handle more ably than you can. Think of them (or hypothetical versions of them) when you encounter circumstances that have you at a loss this week. Some old-fashioned courtship, a handwritten letter, or an application of the best of old-world values could go a long way toward sealing a deal or making people happy.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)
Send an anonymous letter to someone you appreciate. Leave surprise, untraceable gifts for those you love. Your job this week is to spread the love as much as you can, without anyone guessing that it’s you. Why the anonymity? Because you don’t want anyone accusing you of ulterior motives or for your gifts to be tainted by people’s own internal baggage. Also, adding a pleasant mystery to someone’s life is almost always a good thing. Lastly, in order to avoid “suspicion,” you’d better give yourself a gift as well, one just as nice as the others.
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)
Negativity breeds negativity. There are a number of obstacles between you and your objectives, but don’t hate them. They are what they are, and pouring spite upon them will only drag you down and have virtually no effect on them. Be positive and radiant and benevolent—the best aspects of your sign. Ultimately, don’t wish them ill when you can wish them well instead. Heap so many blessings upon your adversaries and opponents that they can’t be bothered with blocking your way anymore. It might not satisfy your mean streak, but it’ll get you where you want to go. Since nothing else will, what have you got to lose?
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Halfway won’t cut it this week. The advice you’ve received and are contemplating following is good advice—if you heed it to the letter and follow through to its logical conclusion. You can’t break this wisdom down into manageable chunks. It’s all or nothing. Only partially pursuing this course of action would be utterly disastrous. Make sure, before you start on this path, that you’ll be able to stay unflinchingly on it to the very end, no matter what happens, or you could wind up making things quite a good deal worse than they are already.
Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
The reason you still haven’t found what you’re looking for is because that keeps changing. By the time you get what you wanted, your desires have moved on, so that you just don’t really want it anymore. Shit happens. But please don’t think of yourself as unlucky so much as a victim of your own dynamic desires. If you could just keep wanting something long enough, you would get it. Now, what’s it going to be? Will you choose a goal and stick to it until you get it? Or will you accept your dynamic agenda as part of who you are, and that perhaps the journey to your ever-changing destinations is better than ever getting there (which you probably won’t)?
Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
How lucky are you, to be surrounded by such extraordinary people? I hope you’re inspired by their examples, by the choices they make and the paths they pursue. If this is the case, make sure they feel appreciated this week. If it’s not, ask yourself why. Is it because you yourself haven’t been making brave, inspiring decisions? Or because you haven’t challenged yourself to get out there and find the people who’ll ultimately help you fulfill your full potential? This is a good week to diagnose whatever’s wrong with your social life—if anything—and take the first steps toward fixing it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Where, exactly, were those boundaries? Just as I thought: You’ve lost track. It’s all well and good to fuzz the lines drawn between you and other people, but when you lose sight of them altogether, things can get very messy. That’s very likely this week. You don’t want to overstay your welcome or provide anyone with more information than they ever cared to know. This week, take a step back and pragmatically and objectively evaluate where those boundaries probably are, even given all that’s happened so far. Draw them in again, at least in your own mind. It’s the only way to avoid the fearsome trouble that’s likely to ensue if you don’t.
Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
In general, you’re an extremely patient person. But even your remarkable tolerance can be tested when you don’t get what you probably deserve. Here you’ve been very serenely waiting your turn, and when it finally comes, no one seems to notice. That would irk anyone. Don’t, however, throw a tantrum, though one may be lurking just beneath your skin. A hissy fit right now would get you attention, but not the kind you want or deserve. Worse, it would preclude you from receiving the accolades and recognition that are, admittedly, late but still on their way.
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Remember that slightly cruel childhood game, Monkey in the Middle? You may feel you’re engaged in a more subtle, adult version of that this week, as what you want gets tossed over your head repeatedly, just out of reach. It’s all supposed to be good fun, but in reality it’s not. Don’t make the mistake of trying to jump up and catch it; you never will. Instead, do what you have to do to end the game once and for all—most likely that will involve taking out one of the other players or—better yet—getting him on to your side. Then, next time you’re in control, be aware of the kinds of games you play; make sure you’re not putting anyone else in the kind of situation you just got out of.