This Week’s Horoscope

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

It’s said that you can never go home again. Obviously, unless your hometown was destroyed in a fire, you can go home again. What’s virtually impossible to capture is the feeling you had when you actually lived there. This week, however, you could come close, if you wanted to. You could infuse some of the most positive aspects of that chapter of your existence, reasonably permanently, into your current one. Maybe you’ll jump at the chance, or maybe you’ll realize that what you’ve created is actually better than what you had, once the nostalgic blur of romanticized memories has been stripped away. Whatever you decide, I hope you can feel truly at home in your current situation from now on.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

You excel at the last-minute scramble. Of course, this fuels your procrastination in general, but at least you can pull out all the stops when you need to, and deliver on time—if only just barely. This is a fine strategy most of the time. When it doesn’t work very well is when you have to put aside other stuff—stuff you might really like to do—in order to finish the crap you should have done ages ago. Because there’s some excellent stuff coming up—and nothing amazing happening this week—why don’t you spend a little time getting caught up, or better yet, ahead of yourself? Then you won’t have to miss out later.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Sometimes you wish that you could just find a magic portal in your home. You’d step through it and most of your problems would simply evaporate. Well, naturally there’s no such thing, but this week you may be able to create its metaphorical equivalent. The key? A few magic words you already know but haven’t had a chance (or the nerve) to say out loud yet. Once you open and step through that door, it won’t erase most of your problems, but it will eliminate a few, and probably make the rest a bit easier to deal with. Of course, there’ll be a whole new set of problems on that side of things, but go there anyway—for the change of pace, if nothing else.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

Being good is about what you do when no one’s watching. I know how you love the spotlight, and you certainly never pass up getting credit and recognition for all the sweet and generous stuff you do. But what truly counts—especially this week, but really all the time—is the kindness you exhibit when no one could possibly notice or realize it’s you. I believe that you want to be not only a good person but a great person. This week you’ll have ample opportunity to move down that path if you can wrap your head around one thing—no one but you will ever know you did.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

This week is about not solving problems. You have the perfect solution to a complication experienced by a couple of your friends, but I beg you not to share it. Instead, look deeper and realize that this “problem” shouldn’t be solved. If you give them no choice but to fix it, that will only open the door to much greater and more difficult-to-solve quandaries. Can you see this as a necessary evil, realize that it’s not so bad, and resist your urge to make everything “better?” I hope so—if not, your well-intentioned meddling is only likely to make things much worse.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

I have never seen you have so much trouble with being patient before. “Time is running out!” you proclaim, as if that hasn’t always been the case. Perhaps you’ve only just realized it, but in reality nothing has changed, and rushing through this moment to get to the next one won’t actually make it come sooner. In fact, it will devalue the future when you finally get there, as well as making you miss everything that’s happening right now. Yes, you’re running out of time. That’s why you need to slow down enough to enjoy every precious second you have left.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Sometimes being naughty gets you exactly the kind of attention you want and deserve, and sometimes it gets you precisely the type of scrutiny and judgment you don’t want (but may also deserve). It’s the uncertainty that makes your “bad” behavior all the more titillating and exciting, like playing with electricity. Will you get a refreshing jolt or a painful zap? Somehow I doubt you could be happy without a little bit of both. Luckily both are on the table this week, and both are what you’ll get. It’s all or nothing. If you don’t want a little pain mixed with your pleasure this week, I’d suggest sticking to your best behavior.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Imagine you woke up this morning and walked out to your garden (real or imaginary) to find it choked with weeds. All the plants you’d carefully sown were struggling to poke a few leaves toward the sun past the wild and hardy plants that had sprung up around them. Then imagine that instead of going on a weeding frenzy, you simply shrugged and walked away. That’s more or less the equivalent of what you’re thinking about doing. You’ve spent a lot of time nurturing this particular garden. Even though it would be a bit of hard, backbreaking labor to make sure it will survive and thrive, don’t you think it’s ultimately worth it? I do.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

You could run around the world a hundred times and never catch the thing you’re looking for, because it’s running in the same direction, at around the same speed. I hope you figure that out soon—this week, ideally—and decide to give another strategy a go. Perhaps reversing direction? That’d ensure you’ll encounter your objective, but it might hurtle past so quickly you’ll miss it, unless your reflexes are amazing. What about stopping in place and holding up a big stop sign? Sticking out a leg to trip it as it sprints past? Whatever works. All I know is that what you’ve been doing most definitely does not.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Tone down the harshness. One of the things I appreciate about you is your willingness to tell it like it is, to speak the truth even if it’s a bit hard for people to hear. It’s one of the reasons you’re my hero. However, this week I suggest biting your tongue. There’s no reason to withhold your opinions if they’re actively solicited, but please refrain from sharing them with people who haven’t asked for them, because it will only get you into trouble, piss people off, and result in nothing especially productive. No need to lie, or to withhold requested information—just keep quiet whenever you can, and let things play out however they’re going to. That way you can still be the “good guy” when they do.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

Let’s pretend that you got engaged. Your sweetheart, who was poor, gave you a cute kitschy plastic ring that was just as valuable to you as one with a diamond, because of its sentimental value. Now let’s imagine that you scratched it today and discovered that beneath its garishly colored exterior lay real gold. Would you be petty and pissed because you’d been deceived, perhaps even tested? Or thrilled that what you got out of the deal you agreed to is better than you ever imagined? Since either reaction is equally possible, why don’t you steer yourself toward the one that will make the most people happy?

Aries (March 21–April 19)

It’s almost as though the more you want something, the less likely you are to get it. Although some of this is merely your own perception, there is a grain of truth here. Your desire is actually tripping you up, so that you stumble before you get to your goal. So we come to the lesson you’ve learned and relearned throughout your life: Let it go. Let this go and you may or may not get it. But at least you’ll get something, which is more than you’ll have if you keep trying to hang on to this.