The Stranger has spent years cultivating its reputation for take-no-prisoners attitude. Those bitchy kids will say anything! Joe Mallahan is an idiot? You know it! And they’ve got no tolerance for humorless stuffed-shirts either, as anyone in Seattle can tell you. That Stranger is indie-rock all the way. Funny, though, how that all changes whenever the Stranger becomes the target. Then, as with any bully, it’s cry-to-Mama time.So when, for example, I put up a post last week calling out the Stranger for its colossal hypocrisy in covering the lawsuit against Village Voice Media in San Francisco–a battle, as Slog puts it, between –Over the years, Dan Savage’s paper has especially enjoyed insulting people who work for Seattle Weekly. (Though only while those people are working at Seattle Weekly; after that, the Stranger hires them).