The main thesis of the film is that members of the mainstream

The main thesis of the film is that members of the mainstream media were so far in the tank for Barack Obama, that they had taken up residence next to the sunken castle, pirates chest and deep sea diver. If watching Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Campbell Brown, Anderson Cooper openly shill for Barack Obama is your idea of entertainment, then Media Malpractice will no doubt send a shiver of excitement up your leg.The documentary is put out be self-described small “L” libertarian John Ziegler, a former L.A. drive-time talk show host and now full-time independent filmmaker. He has gotten notoriety in the past for exposing Sen. John Kerry’s foot-in-mouth “if you don’t do your homework… you get stuck in Iraq” remark to light.Ziegler describes himself as “the Right’s Michael Moore”The film cost $13,000 and is mostly a montage of television clips from network and cable news talking heads. One of the curious elements of the movie is its portrayal of Sarah Palin as the main victim of the 2008 election. For those of you not hip to politics, the Alaska governor was the Republican Party’s Vice Presidential nominee. Emphasis should be placed on the word “Vice”.In most circumstances, the VP is brought out to win a particular state and to not screw up. Historically, you can look back to John Adams who first discovered how completely unimportant the office is. As of today, think of how many times Vice President Joe Biden has been in the news. He’s currently arranging floral patterns at the undisclosed location that used to house Dick Cheney.This was the first presidential election in the nation’s history where the man on top of his party’s ticket was essentially relegated as a sideshow. Republicans weren’t voting and volunteering and writing checks to get McCain elected. Conversely, Democrats vented eight years of Presidential frustration and paranoia against the Hockey Mom from Wasilla.Zeigler explained his decision by saying that clearly more people cared about Palin than McCain.”McCain is the past, Palin is the future,” Ziegler said. During the screening, the audience erupted into applause during the part in the film where McCain announced his running mate.Much of Media Malpractice’s gravitas comes from a friendly face-to-face interview, which is spliced throughout its duration, of Palin reacting to some of the lies and mischaracterizations told about her on the news: that her son Trig was really the child of her daughter Bristol, she banned books in the Wasilla library, that she could see Russia from her house among others.