The crimes that don’t happen are often more fun than the crimes that do. (Note to young readers: Crime isn’t fun. And it doesn’t pay. Unless you’re really good at it.) To wit: Today, reports the P-I, Bellevue police were called to the home of someone who believed they’d been robbed. Clothes were strewn about the laundry room. The culprit, say the cops: an overloaded washing machine. (Even appliances have a breaking point.) Though perhaps if the resident had called these guys, they’d get a different answer. (Question 1: Is their slime?) Either way, an entertaining call all around. In honor of Ghostbusting, and because “Being Bobby Brown” probably shouldn’t be the only memory the younger generation has of the man, the legend, I encourage you, Dear Readers, to enjoy an encore of Ghostbusters 2’s “On Our Own,” by the inimitable, aforementioned Bobby B.