Sign Language: This Week’s Horoscope

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

Go slow, but not too slow. Naturally, moving too fast and sharing too much too soon is bad, too. Unveiling secret plans for your 13 children on your second date is likely to nix the possibility of a third date. However, waiting too long to share important things about yourself will also probably create relationship-ending complications. This is all about accurately assessing what stage your relationship is at—be it romantic, friendly, or professional—and sharing appropriately. Since astrological influences make it much more likely you’ll guess wrong this week, feel free to enlist the aid of someone wiser in these matters.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

I’m not a huge fan of 12-step programs, but I have to acknowledge that they seem to work for many people. Similarly, you may not approve of or understand the methods employed by those around you, but I suggest you take a step back and evaluate the results. If those are satisfactory, then shut your mouth and leave them to it, regardless of your personal feelings or judgments. Your way may be more efficient, or simply “better” (for you), but if others aren’t open to your gentle suggestion, back off and let them do it the way that works for them.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Being polite can take many forms. In some cases, it may actually involve seeming rude, if your rudeness consists of telling someone a truth that may help them (letting someone know their fly is down or that there’s spinach on their teeth). It’s a little uncomfortable, but most sane people are actually quite grateful that you let them know. Everyone’s had the experience of getting home after a long day and wondering how long they’ve been flashing a green-specked grin at the world. When in doubt, remember: The Golden Rule (treat others as you’d like to be treated, in their shoes) is your friend.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

If someone you love is dedicating a lot of time and energy to something you couldn’t care less about, try not to be callous. You’re not required to care (although a little pretending to might make your life a bit easier), but try not to denigrate their passion (or obsession). Leave them to it. If it affects you directly, set some generous boundaries and then get out of the way. There’s no need to rain all over someone else’s parade. Go have your own parade, or just chill out and let them have their good time. Everyone—including you—will be much happier for it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Sagittarians generally aren’t lurkers. You’re either directly and centrally involved in a situation or you’re just not there at all. Skulking on the sidelines and relegating yourself to wallflower status isn’t your style. However, there are certain situations you’re not going to be much help on—you’re much more likely to get in the way, or even make matters worse. This may be a test of will for you—since you’ll probably be sorely tempted to jump directly into the fray, consequences be damned. Stay out of it! If you really can’t just absent yourself from the scene—and you simply may not be able to—I suggest putting on your tackiest floral hat and doing your best to blend in with the wallpaper.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Although your critiques are likely apt, and perhaps well-intentioned—aimed at helping someone you care about improve themselves or their life—they’re not especially appreciated. Surely you’ve noticed! While it’s your duty to speak up if a friend is doing something that will hurt themselves or others, ultimately you must respect their choices. Repeating your criticism (which often seems insulting) won’t help matters. Nagging them will drive them away, not bring them around to your viewpoint. Once you’re pretty sure they’ve gotten the idea of where you stand, try to be their friend—just love, accept, and support them.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Try to avoid assigning deadlines to things, especially in matters of the heart. Those artificial lines are sure to get crossed now and again, and if you’re more married to the arbitrary date you set than you are to the situation, it’s going to get ugly. It’s fine to have a vague timeline and to communicate those expectations, but pressuring someone to conform exactly to your schedule isn’t likely to yield the results you hope for; it sounds more like an effective form of relationship sabotage to me. There’s something about just going with the flow that rubs you the wrong way—however, if you’d just try it, you’d probably end up feeling much happier.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

I can’t understand people who choose to bring yippy little dogs into their lives; the constant eardrum-piercing yaps would cancel out any cuteness the pups might otherwise have—for me. Yet I have to recognize that these obnoxious little canines are much more popular than I can logically account for, and accept that different people have vastly different priorities and standards from me—or from you, either. You need not understand or make logical sense of others’ choices, but being tolerant of them will go a long way toward your own peace of mind. Practice that this week.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Recognize that although you’re mostly chill, there are times and situations when you definitely qualify as high-maintenance. There’s only so much you should require of others to take care of these needs, so as you mature you need to either get over them or learn to discreetly and efficiently handle them yourself in a way that has little or no impact on those around you. Lately you’ve been leaning a bit too much on others for stuff you really ought to be able to take care of yourself. Concentrate on doing exactly that this week.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

The more you brag, the more insecure you seem. Truly confident people don’t need to mention their accomplishments. They’re OK with others never grasping just how wonderful they are. There’s no need to trumpet your virtues. You are fantastic, and have much to be proud of, but allow your triumphs to speak for themselves. If they go unnoticed, so be it. It’s OK if some people never realize that you’re the shit—and that’s the way it has to be in any case; trying to point it out to them will make you seem like anything but.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

You know already that many humans are insensitive clods, yet you’re still caught off guard sometimes by their rudeness, ignorance, or stupidity. There are multiple responses here. Resist the temptation to put them down with a cutting remark of your own. Also stand firm against the cynical conviction that our race is hopelessly thick. Neither response will make you, or anyone, happy. They’ve put you in a lame, uncomfortable position—which is also, if you think about it, quite ridiculous. Try to tap into the hilarity. If you can laugh at it—and laugh it off—everyone will walk away mostly happy.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Let bygones be bygones. And if you can’t accept that, it’s you who’s having trouble moving on. Acknowledge your own frozen emotional state. I don’t mean to be harsh, but you Cancers are notorious for sending mixed signals. Accepting an apology and pretending an incident is behind you when it’s not is almost reprehensible in its dishonesty. Either get over it or don’t, but be forthright about how you really feel; to do otherwise is confusing and hurtful. There is no right or wrong way to feel, despite social pressures that tell you otherwise. Don’t pretend you’re over something because you think you should be. Just be real.