Sign Language

Cancer  (June 21-July 22)I’m glad you no longer feel you require approval from others to follow your heart’s desires. However, hiding your romantic or sexual interests because that approval (which, yes, you no longer need, but still want) won’t be forthcoming is a bad idea, almost as bad as desperately requiring those others’ validation. Whether you meet their prudish or snobbish standards is irrelevant; you deserve to live how you want to live. If they don’t like it, they can suck it. Don’t tiptoe around their delicate, porcelain sensibilities. Smash them to bits if you have to. Most important, though—just live your life.Leo  (July 23-Aug. 22)Leos can be very selfish. This we know and accept about you. What you’re supposed to be learning isn’t shame about knowing what you want and pursuing your desires, but determining which ones you should go for, and which are best left alone and, hopefully, eventually forgotten. Having an affair would be an example of one of these selfish desires whose pursuit would be a mistake, no matter how you twist and turn and rationalize it. Many other choices fall into the same category. Since one or more of these is likely to tempt you this week, remember my words and resist their allure.Virgo  (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Even when you think things are really bad, remember: They could always be worse. It’s tempting to complain and feel miserable about your circumstances (and I’m sure many in your boat do just that), but it’s also completely unproductive. Before you open your mouth to bitch about this or that, ask yourself whether moaning about your dissatisfaction will do any good—that is, actually catalyze change. If it won’t, shut up and focus your energies toward looking at the bright side of things—even if that only exists in contrast with other potentially worse situations you could end up in, otherwise.Libra  (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)I’m an easy crier. I rarely weep in real-life situations, but sit me in front of a sentimental commercial and I’ll be reaching for a tissue before its 30 seconds are up. Instead of being embarrassed that my emotions are so easily tapped, I feel lucky. So many people have made themselves numb to the (sometimes painful) beauty of life; I feel confident that my way, if wetter, works better for me. Shedding tears so easily isn’t something I recommend; however, allowing your tenderest feelings to live a little closer to the surface, where they can at least be seen, would be a good idea this week.Scorpio  (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)Everyone’s had the experience of someone else’s generosity turning out to be such a hassle that you wish they’d never bothered. This isn’t always about steel cable strings attached. Sometimes it’s just that ill-fitting handmade sweater or hideous knickknack you must subsequently force yourself to wear/display to prevent hurt feelings. What you’re giving doesn’t feel like a red and green Christmas pullover—to you—but it may still be perceived as such by the recipient. Since I know you don’t want to be that person (“Where’s that fertility statuette I gave you?”), make sure what you’re offering is truly wanted—before you go to the effort.Sagittarius  (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)People do change—just not often (or even usually) the way or on the timetable we’d prefer. Most real transformation (beyond training someone not to leave the toilet seat up) must come from within, and can only happen if the person deeply and truly wants it. Quitting smoking is a cinch if someone wholeheartedly wants to; it’s when they do it because someone else wants them to, because they “should,” or for some arbitrary reason, that it becomes nearly impossible. You can’t force things like this to happen. Knowing that, it’s your call: Will you wait for them to choose the change you want, for themselves, learn to live with it, or split?

Capricorn  (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)The thing about depression is that those who suffer it often feel isolated and alone. They will frequently rebuff offers of help, or try to make you feel stupid or rude for thinking they even need it. Of course, sometimes you might be acting too much the mother hen, but it’s your job to figure out if that’s the case, or if these are just ill-tuned defense mechanisms going off. If someone really could use the hand they’re so reluctant to take, it’s your job to figure out how to give it to them despite their own resistance. Be creative and kind here, please. That’s the only thing that’ll do the trick.Aquarius  (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)There’s almost always a graceful way to deal with awkward or painful social situations; it’s just finding and executing it in a timely manner that’s difficult. Everyone’s gone to sleep kicking themselves over something they’d said that day, or wishing they’d been more polite, funny, or kind. Finding the compassionate, humorous, or empowering way through these delicate scenarios is very difficult; nevertheless, that’s the tricky challenge you must face this week. Your goal is to avoid any late night self-kicking. Easier said than done, I know. However, just stay present and pay attention and you shouldn’t have a problem.Pisces  (Feb. 19-March 20)Pisceans are not known for their unshakeable connections to reality. In fact, your loose grasp of the concept is the fuel for your incredible intuition, inspiring creativity, and powerful empathy. However, it can also lead to some unhealthy patterns, particularly in relationships, where you can come to rely too much on the other person’s perspective—which is hardly unbiased. This is when you could really benefit from the advice of a third party whose only agenda is your (and possibly your relationship’s) happiness. Yes, that might mean you have to pay someone to play this role. No, going without is not a viable plan.

Aries  (March 21-April 19)When things aren’t going the way you’d hoped or planned, you only really have three recourses: Change the situation to more closely resemble your desires, accept what it is and let go of those desires, or simply walk away, in hopes that you’ll find what you’re looking for elsewhere. Only you can decide which of those is best here; however, I’m here to advise you to figure it out sooner rather than later. The quicker you can make up your mind regarding what to do about your dissatisfaction, the better your resolution is likely to work out.Taurus  (April 20-May 20)When someone’s suffering and you can do something about it, you almost always have a duty to at least try to intervene, even if that’s awkward or difficult to do. It might be tempting to go about your intervention in a way that’s unlikely to succeed, just to get yourself off the hook while relieving the pressures of your conscience. However, if your intention is truly to help relieve suffering, your job is to calculate the best way to effectively do so with a minimum of consequences, not just to go through the motions. That may require extraordinary effort or creative methods; here’s hoping you’re not too lazy to go there.Gemini  (May 21-June 20)Marking your territory like a dog is hardly appropriate, yet you do need some clear way to delineate what’s yours, because people are crossing lines left and right. Instead of feeling besieged and helpless, you need to sit down (perhaps with some wise boundary-setter you know) and come up with some viable strategies for reclaiming some much-needed space that others have come to occupy and think of as their own. Avoid melodrama, anger, or recriminations; at least half of their trespassing is your own fault. But do get the space back; you sorely need