Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)Being fair and being equal often have much in common—but not necessarily. With certain individuals, identical treatment may result in tremendous unfairness, depending on the situation. Ultimately, the fairest (and most “equal”) way to balance the situation may actually require quite different parameters for each person involved, based on their unique needs and capabilities. Naturally, this is far more complex than an arbitrary system everyone must abide by—but if your goal is truly being fair, acknowledging and respecting the individuals involved, and their strengths, weaknesses, virtues, and flaws, is the only way.Aries (March 21-April 19)Sorting out your conflicts is the best way. You’re not generally one to run from a necessary confrontation; however, there are times when you must recognize that there’s simply nothing to be said—at least not now—that will be heard by the person who most needs to hear it. Once you acknowledge that sad fact, your only recourse (besides needlessly beating your head against a wall) is to extricate yourself from the situation. Consider revisiting it at a later date, of course, when people may be more open-minded and flexible, but for now, just get out.Taurus (April 20-May 20)“My way or the highway” may work in certain situations, but it won’t work here. Recognize that you don’t have nearly enough leverage to get away with such ultimatums, and making them will almost certainly guarantee the person in question will choose exactly what you hoped they wouldn’t. Once you acknowledge that presenting someone with a no-brainer choice at this juncture will mean they won’t choose you, you may be more willing to see the shades of gray in this previously black-and-white situation. Instead of drawing a line and making demands, can you rethink your stance and simply try to see the positives, making the best of the scenario as it stands?Gemini (May 21-June 20)You’re right that you’re under absolutely no obligation to let someone off the hook. A deal’s a deal, and if they were stupid, overconfident, or blind enough to make it, they ought to see it through, possibly learning a hard lesson in the process. However, the lesson they’re most likely to absorb isn’t the one you think—it’s probably along the lines of “You’re an asshole.” Feel free to drive home the point that you’re cutting them a break from a dumb decision they made—but cut them the break. Calling in this debt isn’t worth the value of the stuff you’d lose in the process.Cancer (June 21-July 22)Many Cancers go for an “all or nothing” approach to things they’re passionate about. The truth is, few situations fit this paradigm well, and approaching things with a more flexible stance might work out better. For instance, the scenario you’re likely to face soon is one you’re probably not crazy about for the long-term, but rejecting it out-of-hand isn’t your best bet. Instead, install limitations that you can live with (and consider being more flexible with those than your original inclinations, which are probably unreasonably harsh or unrealistically strict), then go from there. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)The near-obsession of football fans is virtually incomprehensible (or even repugnant) to nonfans. Similarly, some passions you’ll encounter this week also lie outside your comfort zone. Don’t give people engaging in them a total pass from your normal and justifiable expectations, but don’t have a hissy fit if they fall short. This may be the equivalent of their putting aside other obligations “because the Super Bowl is on.” Some slack is called for, even if you can’t entirely wrap your head around why it’s necessary. Just give it to them anyway, remembering that what goes around comes around, and a little credit in the bank is always a good thing. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)There are plenty of fish in the sea. That’s a comforting phrase when you’ve just been dumped; also keep it in mind whenever you’re dating, or seeking a new business partner, roommate, or friend. Forcing something when there’s no chemistry is a terrible idea; if you’re confident there are many other people out there with whom you’ll be more compatible, you’ll be less likely to make that mistake. Of course, that’s not saying you should hold out for the “perfect” person, who doesn’t actually exist—but saving your time and energy for someone with whom you have at least a tangible initial spark is totally the way to go.Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Our housecat enjoys sleeping inside all day and going out for presumably wild feline adventures all night. At first, I was reluctant to put him out, especially on cold or rainy nights, until he’d start literally throwing himself at the door. Then I realized that he was living the perfect feline life, and who was I to stand in his way, just because I wouldn’t particularly like to be out and about on such a chilly or damp evening? Are you making my mistake, and applying your own preferences to a situation that has little or nothing to do with you? Are you standing in the way of someone else’s happiness just because it comes from something that couldn’t possibly make you happy? Why?Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)Although I admire your hedonistic appreciation of extremes and excess, be aware that gluttony or greed could be your downfall this week, if you’re not careful. Try to passionately enjoy what you already have, rather than seeking or even welcoming more. That path just leads to trouble, and possibly losing some of what you’ve got right now, and ending up with much less overall. What you have is plenty, and while there’s no limit to how much you could appreciate, there is a limit to how much you can actually handle; therefore, piling more on your plate is a bad idea right now. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)One of my favorite things about humanity is how different we can be in how we appreciate the world. I love chocolate, for instance, and part of my mind wonders how anyone could not adore the stuff. And yet, many people out there don’t care for it, or even despise it. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that things you love are universally valued. You may actually be one of the very few who’s learned how to relish them. You’ve found ways to appreciate stuff that hardly anyone does; this week is all about learning to like, or at least being willing to quietly respect, all the stuff that others love and you don’t. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)While humor is excellent for defusing or improving many scenarios, there are some it simply doesn’t have the power to touch. When someone’s just too full of pain or fear to let go and laugh, you have to get them to a better place before such happy medicine can do them much good. This may require truly Capricornian stubbornness and determination—that’s why it’s your job, not someone else’s. Step up to the plate, before anyone else even tries; unless they have your level of resolve, they’ll probably fail, and possibly make things worse. Don’t let that happen.Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)Imaginary deadlines rarely work as well as real ones with actual consequences. Unless the ones you create carry weight that’ll be enforced by someone other than you, they’re unlikely to really motivate you when you most need it, no matter how excellent your original intentions were. Acknowledge that this is one of those situations; even if you’re able to hold yourself on track for a short time, you’ll need outside influence to stick to this path once your willpower peters out, someone who’ll guide you firmly past your moments of weakness. You know just the person for the job, don’t you? Go enlist them now.sign.language.astrology@gmail.com