sdsfgsfgfsfgDoes a guy who obviously spends as much time manscaping–and, yeah, guiding

sdsfgsfgfsfgDoes a guy who obviously spends as much time manscaping–and, yeah, guiding a very large national ministry–as Mark Driscoll have time to read. According to the Mars Hill Blog, the answer is yes. In an Q and A posted today, Driscoll tells the church’s official blog that he’s deep into the Gospel of Luke, in addition to a few exhaustively-titled books on the nature of masculinity and celebrity. But what insight does each give us into the mind of the man who sees satanism in a ripoff of Crash Davis’ magnum opus? Rampant speculation after the jump.1) “To Change The World” –Trinity Forum says it’s about how “lasting cultural transformation comes not from the majority, but from the few but powerful who have the opportunity to influence society through their relationships and institutions.” Rejected title: “Chicken Soup For the Neo-Evangelist’s Soul.”2) “Unmasking Male Depression”–This one opens up with the famous quote from Henry David Thoreau about men living lives of quiet desperation. Hence the Mars Hill solution, which sums up to “Fuck yeah, Jesus.”3) “Sticky Teams: Keeping Your Leadership Team and Staff on the Same Page” by Larry Osborne–Given the trouble Mars Hill had a few years back with staff pastors challenging sitting church authorities and going off-message, this one seems pretty self-explanatory. 4) “The Mirror Effect”–Written by Dr. Drew Pinsky, he of Celebrity Rehab fame, it’s about the root causes of celebrity narcissism, and the the tendency of the impressionable to mirror their jackass behavior. There’s no joke here, save for pointing out that Driscoll is about as close to becoming a celebrity as an evangelical leader can get without getting busted doing meth with a male prostitute in a motel room.