Sam Odio, villain.Last week, Jonathan Stark embarked on a social experiment of sorts. After putting $30 on his Starbucks card, he made the use of it public and encouraged people to charge their caffeine fix to it, but also to replenish it so that others could benefit similarly. Hundreds of people added thousands of dollars to the card.It was a little trite, to be sure, but it brightened the days of those who felt like they were part of something happy and hopeful in these sad and hope-scarce times. That was until some guy named Sam Odio, who thinks he is better than everybody, turned the whole thing to shit.”Since I don’t find the idea of yuppies buying yuppies coffees very interesting, I decided to mix things up a bit,” Odio announced Friday on his blog, explaining that he’d written a piece of code he and others were using to transfer money from the public card onto their own every time the balance reached a certain level. With less than five hours of effort, he bragged, he’d netted $625. Enough, he pointed out, to buy an iPad. Odio sought to inoculate himself from the inevitable backlash by announcing that he would not, in fact, be buying an iPad with the public coffee fund, but would auction off the card on eBay and donate the money to starving children. In this way, he would make people think about how shallow they are for buying coffee for other people when there are children in the world who are starving.As you may have guessed, his shtick was not well-received. The outrage came fast, and included a call for his arrest for theft and a threat to his person. By the end of Friday, Starbucks deactivated the card, citing security concerns.Odio, realizing he’d bitten off perhaps a bit more than he cared to chew, sent an e-mail to Stark on Saturday.After posting Odio’s email on his blog, Stark responded thusly:My impression is not the one that matters. The impressions that matter are those of the people who have been touched by and participated in Jonathan’s Card. If you’d like to speak to them, you can do so on their Facebook page. Odio took the bait.”Hi, I’m Sam Odio, a yuppie that’s caused a bit of a brouhaha,” he wrote on the coffee-card page. “I did so by diverting money from their coffee fund to feed children in need. While I haven’t been able to read or reply to all of the feedback coming in, if you respond to this post I promise I’ll read it. (this is per Jonathan Stark’s request)” Odio was soon (metaphorically) devoured by a pack of very angry Facebook piranhas, who took turns trying to best explain to Odio why he was such a terrible person.”Diverted ! misappropriated…, liberated, you sir, are a real freedom fighter-terrorist,” responded Garth Philpot.”I put $20 on the card and you stole it – you are a hacking thief punk and I hope this gets big enough so that anyone who wants to do business with you becomes aware of your character – karma on fool !!!!” replied Ruth Wechsler. Myrissa Pinaula got to the party late, but summarized the general sentiment succinctly. “I not happy to sam,” she wrote. “He’s not my friend.”After taking this pillorying, Odio went back to Stark’s blog, where, at 4:11 yesterday morning, he wrote, “I think you took my olive branch and stomped on it.”Which was unfortunate, because by the time we’d read through the 48 responses to his Facebook comment, we were beginning to feel sorry for the jerk. But whining about Stark somehow forcing him go on Facebook?Here’s the thing: When you provoke people, you have to accept the anger you’re generating. It’s a give-and-take thing–a concept Sam Odio hasn’t yet grasped.Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.
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