When it comes to hormone replacement, the bad news is good news.
Events for Jan. 28-Feb. 4, 2004
Seattle could be next, and obviously we have work to do.
Preying on the Poor As a plaintiff in the class-action lawsuit against Ameridebt Inc., I applaud Seattle Weekly for publicizing…
Definitions Blanket primary: Voters may choose any candidate, from any party, in any race. The top vote-getter from each party…
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Whoa. I’m getting a tan just standing next to you. Putting out this much shine must…
The Northwest’s backcountry offers a grim preview of what’s to come thanks to global warming.
You think your divorce was bad? You ain’t even on the charts
Dear Datebabe, What’s the deal with women over 40 and their dogs? Can I meet you out front so as…
HEROES ZEROS Lucky Bellevue residents can now file crime reports online. If it’s an emergency, they’ll e-mail a virtual police…
NEWSLETTER AND Internet publisher Paul Trummel, whose February jailing prompted a flood of protests by journalists and others around the…
Challengers say City Council incumbents are too enamored of process, that citizen consensus and ‘Seattle nice’ are in the way of progress. Well, excuse us.
New legal action may end the reign of a former beauty queen who has allegedly turned to prostitution.
As the gay movement comes of age, a local activist asks, “What next?”
In the words of Seattle magazine writer Susan Nakagawa, 38-year-old political consultant Christian Sinderman is just this hot: “Sinderman’s tousled…
In “The Phantom Menace,” Philip Dawdy’s steamy potboiler on the cover of the Weekly this week, we refer to a…
Disgraced Republican Congressman Mark Foley’s decision to check himself into alcohol rehab after sending inappropriate messages to a 16-year-old male…
The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is gearing up once again to man the border, both in Washington state and elsewhere…
There are scores of stickers on parking meters and such downtown promoting a national day of protest on October 5,…