One reader is happy a Marine posted embarassing info on Facebook.Reader Leroy

One reader is happy a Marine posted embarassing info on Facebook.Reader Leroy responds to Lionel Garcia, Marine From Pasco, Brags on Facebook About Humiliating Afghani.”It’s great that he posted this on facebook! It reveals our military officials’ disturbing lack of ethical standards in regards to recruitment.”The war in Afghanistan is far more complex than the ‘gotta kill the terrorists’ rhetoric our government is currently regurgitating. Seizing control from the Taliban in this region, conveniently presented as the only path towards troop removal, depends upon the cooperation of the indigenous population. That cooperation is built or dismantled by the soldiers, many of whom share Lionel Garcia’s attitude, and their interaction with local tribes.”So yes, I’m glad his ignorance and blatant disrespect have come to light. It is self-serving parasites like this young man who need to be peeled from each branch and rank.”