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by Nina Shapiro | How “smart guns” are reframing the gun-rights debate. 
Plus: tactics to watch at the Super Bowl.

7 Life Sentence

by Nina Shapiro | Lawyer Alison Holcomb’s work for the ACLU on criminal-justice reform comes from a very personal—even painful—place.


17 new wine,
 old bottles

by Nicole Sprinkle | Two new restaurants have legacies to contend with; one does so better than the other

. Plus: V-Day dinner specials and Super Beers.

17 | Food News

17 | The Weekly Dish


21 All About Ives

by Gavin Borchert | The SSO plays a very inclusionist symphony.

21 | The Pick List

24 | Opening Nights | Two fine revivals, and a fun intergenerational clash.

25 | Performance


Opening This Week | Jude Law underwater, Julianne Moore with Alzheimer’s, and the superb new 
Dardenne brothers movie.


by Kelton Sears | The $tory of KEXP’s new $tudio$. Plus: Hobosexual does more with less; music to sauna by; 
and Stasia Irons on production that obsesses her.

31 | Ladies First

33 | The Week Ahead

34 | CD Review


35 | classifieds