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by Casey Jaywork | Are police targeting protest organizers for arrest? Plus: backstage clashes over the housing issue, and the sudden close of a rehab center. Oh, and who’ll pay for light rail? 

9 culture clash

by Kelton Sears | Tech bros and rising rents are driving artists off Capitol Hill and ruining it—or so goes the narrative. In three conversations, 
we search for common ground.


14 Green acres

by Jason Price | Escaping the rat race (well, Ballard) for a bucolic Bainbridge life


14 | Food News/The weekly dish

15 | The Bar Code

17 | Brewery Guide


21 Trimpin vs. SSO

by Gavin Borchert | Seattle’s mad-genius composer teams up with Morlot.

21 | The Pick List

23 | Opening Nights | Angry House-wives

returns, Tennessee Williams still strikes a nerve, and refugees show up 
at your door.


Opening This Week | James Spader battles the Avengers, Juliette Binoche confronts Kristen Stewart, and more.

28 | Film Calendar


by Leena Joshi | A punk outfit 
from Olympia battles “society’s shit.” 
Plus: the oddly homophilic subtext 
of hip-hop’s misogyny


31 | The Week Ahead


33 | HIgher Ground

34 | classifieds