Mark Byrne, a GQ contributor, called out Seattle for its abundance of plaid.Flannel is comfy. But for the fashion police at GQ, apparently Seattle’s plaid-clad populace (including half of Seattle Weekly’s newsroom) is out of touch, earning the city a spot on the magazine’s list of the top 40 worst-dressed cities.The Jet City earned spot #34 on the list, narrowly beating Bruce Springsteen’s hometown, Asbury Park, N.J., which clocked in at #33. GQ
bashes Seattleites for wearing plaid “20 years post-Nevermind.””When your city’s whole identity is wrapped up in a few years of noisy, adolescent anger, you’d do well to let some of it die off with time, instead of pushing it onward, decade by decade, in a rainy haze of anti-fashion nostalgia,” the magazine says. C’mon, GQ!Other notable locales to make the list include Sarah Palin’s hometown at #22 and the Jersey shore at #19.GQ doesn’t list the top five worst-dressed cities online, presumably so you’ll go out and buy the magazine.If you disagree with GQ, you can Tweet editorial assistant Mark Byrne, who wrote the blurb on Seattle, @markwby.Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.