Marek Szczepanek, via Wikimedia CommonsThe Daily Mail reports that seagulls (in this case the Caspian Gull, not the seagull we know and love/hate) has started carrying some super MRSA, resistant to even the last-resort antibiotics. A study shows that they’ve been pooping the super-staph all over the coast of Portugal.The study speculates that the gulls managed their super-bacteria by scavenging human waste (which our own Western gull has also been known to do). No longer are we just hurting the noble, obnoxious seagull with our refuse; now, scientists speculate, the MRSA strains spread by these seagulls may lead to more dangerous strains of staph. The seagulls have been eating our garbage for decades, and now, in a twist that makes The Birds prophetically make sense, they may have come back to kill us. But if we’re lucky, it’s killing us in the same way that the Avian Flu killed us (spoiler: it didn’t).