Last May, the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow gay youth

Last May, the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow gay youth into its ranks, but to continue barring gay adults from playing a role in the organization.

Yesterday, NBC News reported that Geoff McGrath, the 49-year-old leader of Rainier Beach’s Troop 98 that meets at Rainier Beach United Methodist Church, was the first openly gay adult to have his membership revoked since that vote. McGrath had managed to start a troop with the organization despite his sexual orientation, but when word got out that he was gay, he was let go:

McGrath’s Troop 98 is part of the BSA’s Chief Seattle Council, which said late Sunday that it didn’t inquire about his sexual orientation—as directed by BSA policy—when he applied for a leadership position, according to Sharon Moulds, the council’s top professional leader.Moulds said she found out McGrath was gay only after NBC News contacted her. “It was then that we became aware of his intentions to make a public statement about his orientation and use our program as a means to further a personal agenda,” she wrote in an email.