It’s no secret that Seattle has something of an indoor culture. For most of the year, we’re content to shuttle from our homes to work to the coffee shop and back home again, perfecting the art of looking inward. The prospects of outdoor activity are reserved for those willing to get above the rain—or just not that concerned about getting soaked. When the brilliant blue canopy opens above, it can be momentarily disorienting, but the directive is clear: Get out! The prospect of missing out on even the briefest of sunbreaks can fill us all with a type of guilt unique to the Pacific Northwest. But what to do when there is such an abundance of sun, as the meteorologists are promising this summer? That’s the question this Summer Guide exists to answer. Whatever you choose to pursue from these pages—water-park adventures, picnic pleasures, or renaissance-faire fantasy—we promise to leave you sun-kissed and guilt-free.
Getting Out
Wild Waves
An adventure in rediscovering youth, or at least enjoying the simplicity and excitement of the young.
Literary LarksWe’ve put together a collection of books to read in the summer sun and the best locales at which to enjoy them.
Rec SportsWacky and fun ways to get your sport on in the city of Seattle.
Native American Celebrations Enjoy the culture and celebrations of Native American tribes.
Cheap Thrills Find out how to hack your way through a cheaper summer and save up those ducats for beer money.
Eating Out
Perfect Picnics Whether your tates lean fancy or low-key we’ve got a picnic plan laid out just for you.
Dishes Best Served ColdLike revenge, some dishes are best served cold. The best revenge on summer heat are these delicious plates.
The Ice-cream ManHave you ever wondered what it’s like to drive 10 mph and serve tastey frozen treats to neighborhood kids? We’ve got the skinny on a summer classic.
Geeking Out
Ruling the Ren Faire Fairs aren’t just for cotton candy and rides, check out the rennaisance faire for ye ol’ summertime fun.
Staring at the StarsStargazing doesn’t have to be for afficinados. Check out the best place to gaze in and out of Seattle.
Everything Else
Arts Calendar A seemingly undending list of arts events to fill every day of summer.
All the Free Summer Music You Can Handle There are tons of free music offerings throughout the summer and we’ve got the goods.
What Does Summer Mean To You?We asked our favorite Seattle celebs what comes to mind when they think of summer.