It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a fact evidenced by the very

It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a fact evidenced by the very real activism and protest in the streets of Seattle.

The Seahawks won a big football game recently, a fact evidenced by the pigskin excitement pumping throughout the entire region.

What do these two things have in common? Nothing, really, except for one very unfortunate (and quickly deleted) tweet from the home team.

As has been widely picked up on by the likes of Deadspin and, the Seahawks social media team went full Bostick this morning in an attempt to tie the MLK holiday in with the team’s march to the Super Bowl. And, as one might expect, it kind of blew up in their face.

Here’s the tweet in question, utilizing a photo of a crying Russell Wilson accompanied by a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. about the civil rights struggle.

Obviously, comparing the civil rights struggle and the legacy of MLK to a football game – and even a very important football game – is tasteless, if not worse. For their part, at least the Seahawks quickly realized the mistake and apologized.