It’s got to be a measure of how over 9/11 we are that the Seattle Art Museum can stencil the image of a boxcutter on sidewalks and posterboards all over town to advertise its show, “Target Practice: Painting Under Attack 1949-78,”, and it comes off as quaintly “edgy” rather than appalling. (The image above is from a street corner on Lower Queen Anne.)Not long ago, of course, the boxcutter (as depicted in this Stranger cover from Sept. 20, 2001) was the icon of a more gruesome and fateful attack than those documented in SAM’s show. We’re past that now, though. SAM’s marketing doesn’t seem to be ironically commenting on the association so much as ignoring it. David Stoesz wrote about the show for The Slutty Eye, and Brian Miller recommended it in The Weekly Wire. It closes Monday, September 7.