It was a noble effort, but our petition repurposing couldn’t keep the measure off the ballotWith a large majority of Washingtonians supporting separate-but-(not quite) equal-to-marriage civil unions, it’s a little early to be writing DC at the end of your driver’s license the same way American travelers used to sew Canadian flags on their backpacks as they traveled Europe in the Bush years. But it’s humiliating all the same that R-71 has now made the ballot. The measure, as you know, would subject to a vote the law that provides domestic partners all the rights the state gives married couples. (Federal rights would be a no-go, of course.)Important to remember: if you opposed it making the ballot, you want to vote for it now that it’s there. An “approve” vote is a vote to uphold domestic partnership rights–and not be embarrassed that you’re from Washington.