Is the Obama Administration secretly trying to take your guns away? Are

Is the Obama Administration secretly trying to take your guns away? Are Muslims implementing Sharia Law in American court systems behind our back? Are a group of world bankers plotting to do away with paper currency to force people into online banking, with designs on cutting the power grid so average citizens can’t access money and are forced into worldwide slavery?

According to many Republicans who responded to a recent Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey, the answers are yes, yes, and – you guessed it – yes.

These are but three alarming/hilarious takeaways from the PPP survey of 790 registered voters taken Sept. 25th and 26th. The results of the entire government conspiracy poll – which was PPP’s second such endeavor – were released today and are available for your perusal here.

For the record, in 2012 NPR described North Carolina’s PPP as an outfit “founded by a Democratic businessman with no political experience,” but one that has grown into “one of the most prolific polling companies in the country, along with Gallup and Rasmussen.” During the 2012 election cycle, NPR notes, “[PPP] polls have strengthened their reputation for predictive accuracy.”

But back to the craziness …

According to PPP’s most recent effort:

Overall, 36% of Americans and 62% of Republicans believe that the Obama Administration is secretly trying to take everyone’s guns away; just 14% of Democrats believe the same. One in four Americans say that President Obama is secretly trying to figure out a way to stay in office beyond 2017 – including almost half of Republicans (44%). And 26% of Americans think that Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia Law in American court systems, while 55% don’t think so and another 19% aren’t sure. There’s a huge partisan breakdown on this one as well – 42% of Republicans fear Sharia Law making its way into America’s courts while just 12% of Democrats agree.

Oh, and there’s more:

13% believe that the U.S. government engages in so-called “false flag” operations, where the government plans and executes terrorist or mass shooting events and blames those actions on others, 70% disagree. Republicans (21%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (9%) to believe this theory. 19% say there is a secret society such as Skull and Bones that produces America’s political and financial leaders to serve the wealthy elite. And 17% of voters said they think a group of world bankers are slowly eliminating paper currency to force most banking online – only to cut the power grid so regular citizens can’t access money and are forced into worldwide slavery. Nearly one in three Republicans (27%) believe the electronic currency theory while just 10% of Democrats agree.

Perhaps the only sign of intelligent life comes toward the end of PPP’s latest survey results. According to the poll, “only 3% of those polled believe that the US has been conspiring with aliens for technology advancements.”