In case you were wondering, it’s never a good idea to accept a ride from a man with a fake tan and tight jeans, even if he has a Ferarri, and especially if he’s been drinking.
Unfortunately, as Jeremy Pawloski of The Olympian reports, a South Sound man learned this lesson the hard way on Sunday – getting the ride of his life in the process.
According to The Olympian:
The 27-year-old passenger told police that while at the West Side Tavern on Harrison Avenue, the Ferrari driver was “flashing some big wads of cash and buying people drinks at the bar. The man said he accepted a ride in the man’s Ferrari. As they drove down Harrison, the passenger told the driver to stop because of the police car following them with its lights flashing.
The 27-year-old passenger called 911 during the chase to tell emergency responders that the driver would not let him out of the car. The passenger eventually jumped from the still-moving Ferrari when it momentarily slowed downtown. The man suffered cuts to his elbow and stomach, complained of shoulder stiffness, but was otherwise okay.
When the passenger was asked to describe the driver, he said he was about “six-foot two, six-foot three, with a fake tan, wearing a black shirt, and tight jeans.”
While the passenger was able to escape the Ferrari with only minor injuries, the driver wasn’t so lucky – at least when it comes to the law. According to Pawloski, the 42-year-old suspect, who stand accused of reaching speeds of over 100 miles per hour while trying to elude the authorities, “wound up smashing the Ferrari into a parked car and a home before surrendering to police in a church parking lot,” and was later arrested on suspicion of false imprisonment and felony eluding a police vehicle. The driver also reportedly blew a .16 BAC, which is twice the legal limit, and a very bad look for a man that Pawloski reports “is a 2013 graduate of Thurston County’s DUI court.”