In case you haven’t noticed, you can now leave comments on EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE we publish. You’ve always been able to toss in on the blogs, but now you can spout off on our restaurant reviews, music stories, columns, and everything else.Here’s a look at a few (unedited) thoughts left on articles over the last week:Why Won’t Mexicans Vote for a Black Man?”Talk about pendejadas. A.E.Newman???? that is just throwing your hard earned voting right away. As for me, I have my own candidate that I support. One that reafirms my belief in the American Dream that brought my grandparents to this county. That and the idea that hearding sheep was better than licking Franco’s facists boots. My candidate is Pat Paulsen. Yes of course he is dead, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t do a good job.– Posted by “Mark ‘el vasco’ Molina”ACLU Stays Surprisingly Neutral on Anti-Gang Bill”It has always struck me that profiling should make sense. What does not make sense is doing it all wrong. The black community has everything to gain by working with the police and coming up with a profile of who ought to be watched. Like wise the Asian and other ethnic groups. And Hell, the while communities also would benefit by letting the police know who ought to be watched. And this profiling may be very neighborhood specific: Watch for these people in the Central area, but these people in the Rainier Valley. These are the signs to watch in Ballard.”– Posted by “R Luethe”Commuter’s Tale: A Month on the Water”While others complain about inconvenience and a few hard knocks, ferry riders on the south end of Vashon, including 2 cancer patients needing lifesaving medical treatment, school children needing to get to school,freight shipments and medical shipments island residents depend upon, didn’t have a boat. Commuters vs. lifeline. That’s more than an inconvenience!Waiting for UPS to arrive with medicine to alleviate pain or having to ride in an ambulance from Tacoma to Seattle suffering in pain – That’s what some “non-commuters” go through now. It’s more than a just a bad month. My heart breaks for those people.I’m a commuter and I can’t afford a laptop to work and my commute to too short to do so anyway. I just want a way to get to my job and back in a reasonable time. Keeping boats maintained and keeping on schedule. It that too much to ask?”– Posted by “Kari Ulatoski””Unless all you whiners are willing to pay the amount it actually costs to fund your daily commute, I suggest you shut the hell up. You can join the 520 toll trolls and have an all-night bitch session. If you wish to live in the burbs and commute to Seattle, then you must accept the consequences. Oh, and I would appreciate it if a simple thank you was sent to all of us in the state that help pay for your commute.”– Posted by “hatetheburbs””Why should Metro Transit be 80% subsidized if it is immoral to subsidize the ferry system as much as 20%.”– Posted by “Bill Wald”
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