He’s old enough to join the AARB (American Association of Retired Bears–zing!),

He’s old enough to join the AARB (American Association of Retired Bears–zing!), but Smokey the Bear is still at it. A few weeks ago, the Advertising Council and the U.S. Forest Service teamed up for a new “Get Your Smokey On” set of public service announcements, starring America’s #1 forest-fire-preventer–who just-turned-65. Apparently, we still need him–especially given how dry our summer’s been. Just today, in West Seattle, by the Riverview Playfield, the brave men and women of the Seattle Fire Department had to fight a 200′ x 200′ brush fire. When Smokey says “only you can prevent wildfires,” it’s not limited to the mountains. It applies to West Seattle, too.