Gov. Chris Gregoire has agreed to debate challenger Dino Rossi five times this fall, according to an announcement blasted by her campaign moments ago. And she’s going to do it all over the state: Seattle, Tacoma, Yakima, Spokane. Gregoire says citizens will be able to participate, be it online, live, or by submitting questions in advance. The Rossi people should be rejoicing. It’s not often that an incumbent, particularly one with a fair amount to show for the past four years, would open themselves up to such a high-profile and potentially risky schedule. Gregoire was in town last month with Michelle Obama rallying the base– and reminding us just how close the vote for governor was in 2004.No dates announced yet. Debate sponsors and locations posted after the jump.-McClatchy newspapers, Tri-City Herald, Tacoma Chamber, Olympian, Bellingham Herald, Tacoma News Tribune (To be held in Tacoma.)-Seattle Post-Intelligencer, League of Women Voters, KOMO TV Seattle, KXLY Spokane, KATU Portland (To be held in Seattle.)-Yakima Herald-Republic, Seattle Times, all statewide PBS affiliates (To be held in Yakima.)-Spokesman-Review, KSPS Public TV and 790 KJRB (To be held in Spokane.) -KUOW radio and other NPR stations statewide (To be broadcast live from the Seattle studio.)