Good news for low-wage hospitality and transportation workers in SeaTac just came down, as the Washington State Court of Appeals has vacated the order by King County Superior Court Judge Andrea Darvas that invalidated 61 signatures of SeaTac’s “Good Jobs Initiative,” which – if passed by voters in November – would raise the minimum wage around the airport to $15 an hour.
According to the Twitter account of the Seattle Times’ Lewis Kamb, the Appeals Court panel stated: “We reverse the trial court, vacate the … August 26, 2013 order, and quash all writs issued pursuant to that order.” As Kamb goes on to point on via Twitter: “Ruling means that 61 signatures, tossed out by King Co. Judge, can be counted to help qualify SeaTac wage measure for ballot.”
As is to be expected with anything involving high-paid lawyers and big business, there may be more fight to come. Kamb says that the initiative’s supporters, “expect initiative’s opponents — Alaska Airlines and others — to appeal,” today’s decision. However, Kamb goes on to note that even if opponents do appeal, the initiative will still be on November’s ballot.
Meanwhile, as KIRO TV’s Essex Porter has reported, moments earlier a King County judge denied a separate petition by “Good Jobs” supporters to get the initiative back on the ballot. However, as Porter notes on Twitter, “Court of Appeals ruling putting on SeaTac Living Wage on Nov. ballot supersedes today’s rejection by lower court judge.”
For those looking for the backstory on the SeaTac “Good Jobs Initiative” and how it found itself in legal limbo, check out Ellis Conklin’s piece from Aug. 27.
For now it seems justice – and democracy – has been served.