Councilman Tim Burgess continues to be the most prolific rain maker when it comes to raising campaign dollars in his quest to become Seattle’s next mayor. The one-time anti-poverty worker for World Vision is anything but poor now, having picked up nearly $38,000 in April, which includes a $700 check from former mayor Charley Royer. Burgess now has a war chest a few bucks shy of $232,000, with $100,000 on hand.
Mayor McGinn, in the fight of his life to win a second term — hence his penchant for calling a press conference every other day, or at least it seems that way — is second in the money sweepstakes with $181,000 raised through April and nearly $105,000 in his campaign kitty.
And watch out for that bow tie-wearing commercial real estate broker Charlie Staadecker. He raised a little over $20,000 in April, and has managed to accumulate a respectable $152,000, with about half of that still at his disposal.
State Sen. Ed Murray, who can’t wait for this long and unproductive legislative session to come to a merciful end, has been forced to compete for campaign dollars with one hand tied behind his back, as lawmakers are forbidden to seek contributions while doing the people’s business in Olympia. Still, he has garnered nearly $124,000 and has more than $55,000 on hand. (Note: Murray raised more than $20,000 at a well-attended campaign gala May 9 at a privately-owned Belltown condo. In the two weeks since the regular session ended on April 28, Murray raised more than $103,000, most of which is not reflected in the end-of April campaign disclosure report.)
Councilman Bruce Harrell had a good April, picking up $34,0000, and bringing his total raised for his mayoral campaign to more than $112,000.
Ex-councilman, architect and activist Peter Steinbrueck brings up the rear of those considered legitimate contenders, having raised through April just over $62,000. He did have a successful fundraiser in late April, hosted at Kay Bullitt’s home, where he raised more than $17,000. Steinbrueck reports having $37,800 cash on hand.