CordovaGennette Cordova, the Seattle college student who unwittingly helped submarine the political career of congressman (and once-likely next New York City mayor) Anthony Weiner, is opening up a little to her Twitter inquisitioners. She has turned down all requests for interviews and tried to maintain decorum in the midst of the Weinergate farce. But, apparently in response to some of the info that has surfaced about her–that at Shorecrest High she was picked “Most likely to be involved in a tabloid scandal”, for instance–she tweets: “If these investigative journalists dig a little deeper they’ll also find that I was voted worst driver two years in a row in HS,” adding: “I drove a blue Hyundai, I was in Honors and AP classes every year, I was a cheerleader and I weighed about 120 pounds.” That’s likely something of a scoop to news organizations who cajole her and the public who both befriend and insult the tight-lipped Cordova, 20, in Twitter exchanges.She’s “Beginning to not feel like a deflated beach ball,” she says, two weeks into the scandal. “Thank you to anyone who offered support. I’m so grateful.” To those who ask about her role, she merely quotes Weiner from his press conference Monday: ” . . . but this poor woman, who is–was one of them as well, and I deeply regret that she got dragged into it.” Following Weiner’s confessional, the story focus shifted from the underwear tweet he sent Cordova to some of his racier exchanges with other women that he regularly “e-dated,” perhaps involving online sex. Cordova isn’t happy she’s being included in that lineup. “I don’t appreciate being lumped in with these women,” she writes, “who he was having online affairs with. Period.” Is it, she continued, “so much to ask that a credible publication make a distinction between myself and the women he was having inappropriate exchanges with?”A buttering-up tweet from MSNBC said “You’re doing shockingly well given the situation. Now if you get a reality show :).” To which Cordova responded: “Thanks:) But I assure you, I’m not that interesting.”Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.