Caucus and Affect

Events for Feb. 4-11, 2004

Dennis Kucinich The dark-horse presidential candidate with a vocal Seattle following speaks at Town Hall as part of an event called “We the People.” Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., 206-652-4255. Free admission. 7 p.m. Wed., Feb. 4.

Arianna Huffington Pundit, author, and frequent lecturer, Huffington comes to Shoreline to speak out against corporate greed and political corruption. Shoreline Community College, 16101 Greenwood Ave. N., 206-546-4590. General admission: $15 ($13 for seniors and SCC employees, $10 for SCC students). 7:30 p.m. Wed., Feb. 4.

Town Hall Forum Isolationism and its malcontents come under discussion at this forum moderated by University of Washington professor emeritus Hubert G. Locke, with help from ex-bishop Cabbell Tennis, attorney Lisa Hayes, and current UW prof Donald Hellman. This edition of Town Hall’s ongoing globalism series focuses on whether the U.S. should rejoin the International Criminal Court. Downstairs at Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., 206-652-4255. $5. 7:30 p.m. Wed., Feb. 4.

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Cairo of the Arabian Nights Rice University history Prof. Paula Sanders “unveils the wonders of Cairo”—the Egyptian capital and home of the Purple Rose—in a slide show and lecture. University of Washington (Gowen Hall, Room 201), 206-543-3606. Free admission. 6:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 5.

Japanese Obon: Dancing with the Dead Buddhist minister Donald Castro discusses the intricacies of the Japanese memorial service in conjunction with the Burke Museum’s “Reverent Remembrance: Honoring the Dead” exhibit. A slide presentation will accompany the lecture. Burke Museum, N.E. 45th St. and 17th Ave. N.E. (University of Washington Campus), 206-543-5590. $6.50 for adults, $5 for seniors, $4 for students. 6:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 5.

Radical Women An opportunity to “learn more about their current activities and campaigns.” The entrance fee, a donation, includes dinner (a vegetarian option is available, of course). New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., 206-722-6057. $6.50. 7:30 p.m. Thu., Feb. 5.

Joseph C. Wilson IV You might know him as Mr. Valerie Plame. As the first speaker in the “American Voices” series, the former ambassador to Iraq kicks off Foolproof Performing Arts’ first year at McCaw Hall. For more on Wilson, see Geov Parrish’s column on p. XX. McCaw Hall (Seattle Center), 206-628-0888. $10-$15 ($75 for Gold Circle seating). 8 p.m. Fri., Feb. 6.

Democratic Presidential Precinct Caucuses It works like this: All registered voters are invited to gather and discuss Kerry, Dean, et al. After 30 minutes of discussion, a vote is held to elect delegates for each candidate; these delegates then travel to county and district conventions. For the location of your local caucus, visit or call 206-583-0664. 10-11 a.m. Sat., Feb. 7.

Washington State Camp Fair Figure out where to send the kids this summer at Washington’s largest camp fair. More than 60 camps from across the state will have booths; programs for teens, adults, and families (plus specialized music, drama, and science camps) are included. St. Thomas School, 8400 N.E. 12th St., 425-454-5880. Free admission. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat., Feb. 7.

Doug Wilson Hunky and handy! The Trading Spaces designer makes an appearance at Ikea in Renton to greet his fans, sign autographs, and reveal whether he and host Paige Davis ever managed to trade anything more than just spaces, if you get our drift. IKEA, 600 S.W. 43rd St. (Renton), 425-656-2980. Free admission. Noon-2 p.m. Sat., Feb. 7.

Leonard Peltier March The incarcerated Native American activist gets another round of public support at this march and rally in Tacoma, which culminates in a post-rally potluck. March begins at Portland Avenue Park, between E. 24th Ave. and E. Fairbanks Ave. (Tacoma); potluck at First United Methodist Church, 423 Martin Luther King Way. Free admission. March at noon, potluck at 3 p.m. Sat., Feb. 7.

Scale Model Make-and-Take Workshop Kids can learn how to build their very own model aircraft at this class. Recommended for children eight years and up; adults should be prepared to assist their kids. Museum of Flight, 9404 E. Marginal Way S., 206-764-5700. $11 for adults, $10 for seniors, $6.50 for youth (5-17). Noon-3 p.m. Sat., Feb. 7.

Keep Love Alive Celebration In recognition of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, the African Americans Reach and Teach Health Ministry is sponsoring this community event involving music, drama, discussion, various speakers, and food. Emerald City Outreach Ministry Building, 7728 Rainier Ave. S., 206-850-2070. Free admission. 6-9 p.m. Sat., Feb. 7.

Silver Collectible Car Auction Wave your paddle in the air and come home with more collectible cars than your spouse ever thought possible at this annual auction, held at the fairgrounds. Oh, and not all the cars are silver; Mitch Silver just happens to be the event organizer. Washington State Fairgrounds, 110 Ninth Ave. S.W. (Puyallup), 800-255-4485. $7 for adults, $5 for seniors (62+). 10 a.m. Sat., Feb. 7.; 11 a.m. Sun., Feb. 8.

Artist Trust Annual Art Auction and Brunch Check out (and bid on) visual art from 200+ contemporary artists who have donated their work to benefit Artist Trust, an organization that assists Northwest artists of all stripes and media. Consolidated Works, 500 Boren Ave. N., 206-467-8734 ext. 16. $75/$100/$125. 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun., Feb. 8.

Illuminating Langston Fundraiser The Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center presents a combined fundraiser/celebration based on the work of author and poet Hughes, whose books, plays, essays, and other works get the celebrity treatment tonight. Scheduled readers include August Wilson and Tom Skerritt; the event is hosted by former Seattle Mayor Norm Rice, with hors d’oeuvres by Simply Thai. Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, 104 17th Ave., 206-684-7241. $100. 5-8 p.m. Sun., Feb. 8.

Creation or Evolution: Can You Defend What You Believe? Creationism advocate and author Mike Riddle challenges preconceptions and expounds his own beliefs at this “illustrated lecture.” Coal Creek Chapel, 14615 S.E. 22nd St. (Bellevue), 206-937-2214. Free admission. 6:30 p.m. Sun., Feb. 8.

The Comedy of Race and Ethnicity Racism is no laughing matter, but comedians Isiah Anderson, Selena Whitaker-Paquiet, Cherokee Pettis, and others hope to make you chortle as they dissect “the role and portrayals of race and ethnicity in humor.” Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., 206-652-4255. Free admission. 7:30 p.m. Mon., Feb. 9.

First Hill Historic House Tour See how the other half lived at a guided tour of two turn-of-the-century homes: the Stimson-Green Mansion and the Henry Dearborn House. Local historian Larry Kreisman leads the way and talks about First Hill’s shady past as an enclave of “private clubs, important religious institutions, and swank hotels.” Henry Dearborn House, 1117 Minor Ave., 206-622-6952 ext. 234. $10 ($8 for Historic Seattle and Washington Trust members). 1-2:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 10.

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Look beyond the carbon-based beings we know at this astronomy lecture by University of Washington Prof. Julie Lutz. The talk is part of Everett Community College’s ongoing Harlow Shapley Visiting Lectureships program. Everett Community College, two blocks west of N. Broadway between 10th St. and Tower St., 425-388-9100. Free admission. 7 p.m. Tues., Feb. 10.

Tax Hurdles Faced by Same-Sex Couples At this timely “coffee talk,” learn how to make the best of gay and lesbian marriage, financially speaking, until it becomes legal in Washington. Rainbow Center, 917 Pacific Ave. (Tacoma), 253-383-2318. Free admission. 7-8:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 10.

An Evening with Jean Walkinshaw The award-winning documentarian and TV producer reflects on her 40-year career. A “social hour and light supper and brief recognition program” will follow the hour-long lecture; admission to the talk itself, however, is free. Museum of History and Industry, 2700 24th Ave. E., 206-324-1126. $25 suggested donation for dinner. 6 p.m. Wed., Feb. 11.

Reforestation Meeting Urban forestry—putting back what we’ve taken away—is the subject of this Seattle Parks and Recreation meeting. Mt. Baker Community Club, 2811 Mt. Rainier Dr. S., 206-615-1046. Free admission. 7-8:30 p.m. Wed., Feb. 11.