“Belltown Hellcat” arrested on Renton bench warrant

He recently attended a hearing in regards to domestic violence related charges for stalking and disclosing of intimate images of an intimate partner.

Law enforcement arrested 21-year-old Miles Hudson, the “Belltown Hellcat,” a social media influencer, at a Seattle court hearing on Aug. 12 on a $25,000 Renton bench warrant.

Hudson, facing a lawsuit and misdemeanor criminal charges in Renton and Seattle, drives a black 2023 Dodge Charger: “a vehicle which has been modified to be excessively loud,” a vehicle that has resulted in complaints from workers and residents in downtown Seattle, and a vehicle frequently featured on Hudson’s Instagram page with more than 700,000 followers.

“It’s like 2:00 a.m., we got the ‘Cat’,” Hudson says in a video on his Instagram prior to revving and gunning the engine of his Dodge Charger in a Seattle roadway. “… It sounds like a shotgun, I ain’t gonna lie n——a!”

Hudson’s Instagram page, renamed from “@srt.miles” to “@not.srtmiles” after a Seattle Municipal Court judge ordered Hudson against posting any further content on his social media accounts in July reads “Managed by @954fastpitchtv Miles does not post directly to this account directly for legal purposes.”

On March 29, 2024, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections issued a Notice of Violation against Hudson for his vehicle’s noncompliance with Seattle Municipal Code as a result of the vehicle’s noise. The department of Construction and Inspections provided Hudson until April 15, 2024, to correct the violation, with a penalty of $1,300 per day following the deadline.

On April 16, a video posted to Hudson’s Instagram account showed an unknown woman driving the Charger with Hudson in the front passenger seat, with the woman revving the engine loudly.

On June 18, the City of Seattle filed a motion requesting $83,200 in penalties from Hudson for continued noncompliance with municipal code.

On Aug. 12, Hudson attended a hearing at the Seattle Municipal Court for matters in regards to domestic violence related charges for stalking and disclosing of intimate images of an intimate partner.

U.S. Marshals arrested Hudson at the end of the Aug. 12 hearing on a $25,000 Renton bench warrant for matters in regards to an August 2023 conviction for assaulting his mother after Hudson failed to provide proof of a mental health evaluation and compliance with recommended treatment, and missed a court hearing while having a bail of $2,600 posted.

“Given that the underlying case of this particular case is domestic violence related and albeit the April 12 – May 2 incidents involved a different family or household member or intimate partner is still domestic violence related as well as noncompliance, the City has some serious concerns as to the risk that Mr. Hudson poses to the safety of the community given his noncompliance with this court’s conditions and his outstanding warrant in another jurisdiction as well as failure to appear while bail is posted,” stated the Renton court in the issuing of the bench warrant.

The court forfeited the $2,600 bail posted and granted a bench warrant amount of $25,000.