After this past weekend’s incident out in Roslyn, where a bunch of

After this past weekend’s incident out in Roslyn, where a bunch of Central Washington University students downed a few too many Four Lokos (among other drinks), and were hospitalized, the company behind the embattled beverage issued a statement. Phusion Projects painted itself as unfairly singled out for blame, and noted that “our company has taken a unique position and made a conscious effort to reject the social media marketing tactics that other companies embrace.” But a little investigative work by the trade website Brandchannel has shown that statement to be about as credible as the company’s claims regarding Four Loko’s booze content.Until last night (when a reporter asked Phusion about it), there was a FB page up that, while perhaps not directly company-controlled, had all the earmarks of a company-orchestrated “viral” campaign. Phusion blames “interns” for failing to shut down the page. That’s a line we’re definitely going to be using in the future as well.The full story is worth a click, and we’re told updates are on the way.