A possible plea deal in the Frank Colacurcio Sr. racketeering case reported by the Times today has been in the works for more than a year–SW first revealed the plan in 2009, which would lead to closure and sell-off of the four Colacurcio strip clubs, likely putting them out of business. The question is still how the deal will directly affect Frank and his son Frankie. Their longtime partners Steve Fueston, David Ebert and Leroy Christiansen (Frank’s nephew) are effectively the club owners, while Frankie was an employee (he’s now broke and no longer getting paid, he claims.) Frank is a “consultant” to the once far-flung empire he created. If the ownership trio agrees to get out of the sex and dance biz to avoid a trial, will that deal include Frank and Frankie?An attorney familiar with the talks says it will. “The aim always was to close the clubs and put Frank out to pasture,” he says. Millionaire Frank, 92 and reputedly still getting laid, has said he won’t retire until he’s in his grave. But his first felony, a sex-related charge, came during the Truman presidency and today his eighth felony, a sex-related charge, comes during the Obama administration. Maybe after 70 years, he’s winded.