80s fashion is back with a vengeance amongst Seattle hipsters. For those

80s fashion is back with a vengeance amongst Seattle hipsters. For those of us who grew up in the 80s, it’s a bit shocking to see replicas of our middle-school-aged selves running around town. So we thought we’d collect some pics – and even do some comparisons. Can you guess which were then and which are now?Compiled by Emma McGraw.Published on August 12, 2011

Did John Cusack know what he was starting with Say Anything?

Did John Cusack know what he was starting with Say Anything?

More fanny pack action combined with the Bulls jersey is a nice homage to the 80's.

More fanny pack action combined with the Bulls jersey is a nice homage to the 80’s.

The shorts are probably from her moms closet.

The shorts are probably from her moms closet.

Mickey mouse paraphernalia AND a fanny pack?

Mickey mouse paraphernalia AND a fanny pack?

Neon, spandex, and headbands done up 2011 style.

Neon, spandex, and headbands done up 2011 style.

The ever versatile fanny pack will never die.

The ever versatile fanny pack will never die.

Who said overalls were cool again?

Who said overalls were cool again?

Change out the windbreaker for a fur-lined military jacket, and these girls are wearing the exact. same. outfit. As for the guy, I swear we dated in 1987.

Change out the windbreaker for a fur-lined military jacket, and these girls are wearing the exact. same. outfit. As for the guy, I swear we dated in 1987.

Ray-bans everywhere!

Ray-bans everywhere!

Lose the corsages and these babes could be an American Apparel ad.

Lose the corsages and these babes could be an American Apparel ad.

Is this an embarrassing 80's senior portrait, or a hipster hanging out in Cal Anderson Park?

Is this an embarrassing 80’s senior portrait, or a hipster hanging out in Cal Anderson Park?

Giving off the carefree surfer boy vibe, ala Sean Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Giving off the carefree surfer boy vibe, ala Sean Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Molly Ringwald would be proud of those bangles and off-the-shoulder blouse.

Molly Ringwald would be proud of those bangles and off-the-shoulder blouse.

These guys were rockin' the cut-offs before you were born!

These guys were rockin’ the cut-offs before you were born!

High-waisted light denim jeans: who wears it better, your mom or this Seattle hipster?

High-waisted light denim jeans: who wears it better, your mom or this Seattle hipster?