With quirky, kid-friendly titles like “Coconut Radio,” “Hide and Seek,” and “Getting a Sunburn,” Recess Monkey’s Desert Island Disc (out now, self-released, recessmonkeytown.com)—the 10th release for the “acclaimed children’s music band”—would really like to enchant youngsters. But its hard-to-hear lyrics and soft, ukulele-heavy music isn’t quite catchy enough to do that.
In the words of Nina, my 6-year-old, “It’s too slow” and “The words don’t make sense to me” (though she did enjoy the line “Don’t be a peeker” in “Hide and Seek” and the clearly enunciated rhymes about finding sea glass in “My Treasure”). As a parent, I appreciate the Beach Boys-esque melodies (with a smattering of Grateful Dead and the Beatles) as well as the addition of violins, cellos, clarinet, and flugelhorn. But I’m with my daughter on this one. The songs all sort of sound alike, none of them hooky enough to appeal to little people. Parents, on the other hand, might have some fun pitting “Shrimp” next to G. Love’s “Cold Beverages”—they share a similar musicality.
Recess Monkey plays select weekends Oct. 19–Dec. 15, at Teatro Zinzanni. Tickets are available here.