Who: SKWhen: 6:48 PMWhere: NY Fashion Academy It’s not that SK was bad: one of the newest members of the Sportin’ Life family, SK possessed a mature and natural stage presence as he ran through his set last night, compelling the audience as close to the stage as he could and displaying fine showmanship and lyrical talent. SK was a memorable performer, and it’s too bad that there was barely anybody there to see him. SK started his set twenty-five minutes late, and the small crowd that had gathered right at 6:30 to see him perform had vanished by the time SK took the stage. May this serve as a lesson to emerging artists featuring at festivals: start your set when the schedule says you’re going to. While we may be used to musicians going on late at regular shows– a particular tradition at hip-hop events– festival attendees map out their minutes precisely, and there is little mercy for a performer who isn’t prompt.