The Elliott Smith wall in Silver Lake, Calif.–the red, white, and black

The Elliott Smith wall in Silver Lake, Calif.–the red, white, and black muraled wall on Sunset Boulevard in front of which Smith posed for his Figure 8 album and which later became a memorial to the musician after his death in 2003–has been defaced by graffiti and restored a couple of times in the past few years. Most recently, thanks to some douchewads, it looked like the above image. But this weekend, in commemoration of what would have been Smith’s 42nd birthday, the wall has again been restored to its original form. Click through to see the clean-up job. On the Facebook page for Save the Elliott Smith Wall, a comment from yesterday reads:The Elliott Smith Wall has been restored by an anonymous artist(s). We hope to have a photo up very soon. There is a very interesting touch / surprise that has been added to the wall. We want to thank the fans for being so loyal and persistent in every way possible (from the events to the fundraisers). Let’s protect this wall and try to keep it as clean as possible so that those taggers don’t come back and destroy the art. More overly, thank you so much to the anonymous artist(s) who finally made this happen.No further details about the anonymous Good Samaritans or the surprise touch that they’ve added. Anyone know more than I do?Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.