SOL performs at his sold-out Haiti benefit brainchild, Thursday, Feb. 4, at

SOL performs at his sold-out Haiti benefit brainchild, Thursday, Feb. 4, at Neumos.There have been some big nights for Seattle hip-hop lately. The Croc’s Go Machine weekend was one. Last night’s Haiti benefit at Neumos was another.Featuring some of the best this city has to offer–Common Market, the Physics, SOL, Khingz and Dyno Jamz–it was just about the best $10 ticket you could buy, especially considering 100% of the money went to Doctors Without Borders. But more importantly, last night was a testament to the unity of Seattle’s music community and its immense potential. I mean, I’ve seen sold out shows before … but this show was SOLD OUT.And SOL, the 21-year-old UW student and Haitian-American responsible for the entire project, made it sound simple: “My mom was born in Port-au-Prince, and I asked her what I should do, and she told me to do what I do.” And he did. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as sharp as he was last night, and after hearing a few more songs slotted for the new record matched with his ever-evolving delivery, I’d advise you to keep your eyes open.More photos from the show after the jump.SOLSOL with DJ Pryme on the 1s and 2sThig Natural of The Physics