Roger Fisher (pictured, rocking) is an original member of Heart. How fitting, then, that he’s holding a concert to commemorate his 60th birthday party on–when else?–Valentine’s Day.The show will be at the King Cat (2130 6th Ave.) this Sunday, and will begin at 6. KING-5 meteorologist Jeff Renner, of all people, will serve as master of ceremonies, and included on the massive bill of performers will be Steppenwolf’s Goldy McJohn, Bad Company’s Lynn Sorensen, and Jimi Hendrix impersonator Randy Hansen, all of whom made appearances in last year’s SW
profile of Jimi’s brother, Leon.Tickets are $15, with the concert open to all ages (a special area cordoned off for adults who want to get liquored up). And for those of you who are wondering, yes, Fisher was actually born on Valentine’s Day, 1950.