Robin Pecknold, with Fleet Foxes. Photos by Chris Kornelis. After scratching for a

Robin Pecknold, with Fleet Foxes. Photos by Chris Kornelis.After scratching for a peak at Fleet Foxes early in the evening, Mr. Barr mentioned to me that he hadn’t seen the club that full in five years. I thought about that as I was waiting in a line outside an above-capacity Lock and Keel, struggling to hear The Maldives. I can’t imagine the bar has seen as many faces crowded around and on top of their pool tables as last night. The story was the same next door at Conor Byrne, hosting The Bad Things. I think the only reason we got in to see The Maldives was that the doorman took pity on us. What’s two more, right?Throw Me the Statue, during their set at Bop Street Records.Throw Me the Statue’s 5 p.m. set was one of the cornerstones of my schedule for the day, and they did not disappoint. New to their sound, I was impressed by the way they harmoniously work in minimalism and excess with bells, extra drums and bright pop.Creator Scott Reitherman, responding to a question from the audience, explained that the band’s name was derived from the title of a mix tape he once made for a friend. He also noted that after the band released their record, “Moonbeams,” he discovered Bill Evans had released a record of the same name. I couldn’t find a copy of Evans’ record, but I did find this gem: