Regardless of what you think about Starfucker’s music (opinions range from catchy

Regardless of what you think about Starfucker’s music (opinions range from catchy synth-pop to soulless, glazed-over electro-pastiche), what’s undeniable is that they’re one hell of a lot of fun to see live. The Portland quartet’s shows are sweaty, animated affairs, with the band–often dressed in drag–managing synths, samplers, and even turntables and a tape deck, prompting the audience to transition from self-conscious hipster sway into full-on dance mode. Starfucker is touring in support of their sophomore album, Reptilians, released on Polyvinyl last month. The record is largely a more cleanly produced continuation of what the band set out to accomplish on its 2008 self-titled debut, full of pop hooks, slick grooves, and off-the-wall samples–snippets of narration from the British philosopher Alan Watts were a fixture on their first album and return on “Mystery Cloud,” the fourth track on Reptilians.Opening tonight’s show at the Croc will be Champagne Champagne, making for an electronic/hip-hop bill that happens to be a perfect fit. Doors open at 8 p.m., and tickets cost $13. Julius by StarfuckerFollow us on Facebook and Twitter.