“Let your body go/Let the music flow through your soul,” Tazlyn Gue sings on “You’re Fabulous,” the opening track of The Fabulous Party Boys’ self-titled album. It’s sage advice, as even the most headstrong wallflowers aren’t able to stop themselves from grooving when this seven-piece takes the stage. Its blend of funk, soul, and a bit of jazz is downright infectious, and it’s no surprise the band’s recent record-release show sold out. P.S.: Be sure to wear your most spectacular dancing outfit to this show, A Fabulous Electro Swing Affair, as it’s being filmed by the folks from Speakeasy Electro Swing. With Good Co., DJ Mano Meter. Columbia City Theater, 4918 Rainier Ave. S., 723-0088, columbiacitytheater.com. 8:30 p.m. $10 adv./$12 DOS. 21 and over.