Jonathan CunninghamWho: Extra GoldenWhere: Fisher Green StageWhen: 4 p.m.Earlier today, Extra Golden’s

Jonathan CunninghamWho: Extra GoldenWhere: Fisher Green StageWhen: 4 p.m.Earlier today, Extra Golden’s music seemed capable of affecting the weather. When the Kenyan benga group picked up the pace of their playing and the group’s petite lead singer got excited, he’d dance and light rains started falling from the sky. The rain wasn’t too heavy, the music was good, and nobody seemed to care. Whenever things slowed down and the band played a few of the slower songs on their incredibly underrated new album, Hera Ma Nono, the rains ceased. But as they got into more of the uptempo tunes from the fan favorite, Thank You Very Quickly album, the rains returned! It was hilarious to watch and very fulfilling if you’re a fan of Kenyan music or world music as a whole.Maybe that’s was just temperamental Seattle weather acting up, but I’d like to think they were doing secret rain dances on stage that we were all part of the experiment. Either way, as far as quality world music acts go, these guys are in the lead as the best act at Bumbershoot this year.