I saw longtime Seattle DJ Marco Collins this week for the first

I saw longtime Seattle DJ Marco Collins this week for the first time since I wrote a lengthy profile of him in the Weekly last year. The occasion was the recording of a year-in-music special with KIRO 97.3 producer/reporter/music man Josh Kerns. The special is running today at 9 p.m. and tomorrow at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.The three of us tacking the most CRITICAL questions of the year: Why is Adele killing it, who’s the most significant band in Seattle right now, and what does Marco’s Neil Diamond impression sound like?If you’re not going to be gathering ’round the radio during any of the above-mentioned times, KIRO’s got the special streaming at MyNorthwest.com now. Snark on, folks. And Happy New Year!